will launch on 1 st october 2010

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These are TOP 20 member who has a chance to win prize on 1st October (1st 10 most ref member will get $70 each total prize is $700 and 1st 10 most Balance in member' account will get $100 each total prize is $1000)
We will also calculate Rent and buy ref for prize on 1st October 2010.

TOP 20 member with Balance detail:
ewrdewrd2 Refs 289 Balance $$31.8530
andr2101 Refs 180 Balance $8.0221
unreferred Refs 157 Balance $20.5100
iloveptc Refs 132 Balance $22.2830
geno Refs 120 Balance $$9.7740
Referrer Refs 107 Balance $$6.6525
noone Refs 105 Balance $5.5545
jiangaibin365 Refs 91 Balance $11.3575
yang19781105 Refs 75 Balance $19.0260
nonne Refs 72 Balance $8.2710
cbjairamreddy Refs 72 Balance $5.0870
sp001 Refs 52 Balance $0.3005
toxa2010 Refs 51 Balance $9.1590
nesveikaz Refs 49 Balance $4.4220
Eternitate Refs 45 Balance $3.0150
goly840 Refs 43 Balance $4.0575
lionz_ptc Refs 42 Balance $9.6025
none Refs 42 Balance $4.9210
gogotx Refs 41 Balance $3.8731
89007rx Refs 41 Balance $4.1714

New offer for All member before 1st october:
add funds $10 and get $15
add funds $20 and get $35
add funds $50 and get $100
add funds $100 and get $220
add funds $200 and get $500
add funds $500 and get $1500

Upgrade your account before 1st october 2010 and get 50% discount
Golden $25 for 365 days(price will grow up to $50 after 30 September.2010)

Unlimite $90 for 365 days(price will grow up to $180 after 30 september.2010)

I want to inform you that will officially launch on 1st oct.2010
1. we will start payout on 1st oct. 2010.
2. we will not reset balance
3. before 1st oct. 2010, member can reffer unlimited refferal.
4. We will not delete any ref after 30 september,The limits of referrals after 30 september will be:
Standard : 50 ref
Golden  :250 ref
Unlimite  :600 ref

5.Upgrade your account before 1st october 2010 and get 50% discount
Golden $25 for 365 days(price will growup to $50 after 30 september.2010)
Unlimite $90 for 365 days(price will growup to $180 after 30 september.2010)
6. We have two contest before 30 september.2010
Ref contest: most 10 member will get $70 each,total winning amount is $700
Acc. balance contest: most 10 member will get $100 each,total winning amount is $1000

Personal opinion

Unbelievable offer, be careful with this site, it seems it will go to Scam lists very soon.
The admin's message quoted above was received via mail or can be found in the forum.

