News:New rule for active contibutors to Buxwiki

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Those people who once created an article about a bux website with a referral link in it (and paid $1 for placing referral link) can add unlimited amount of articles about the buxes for free.
So you should pay $1 once and you will receive the possibility to add unlimited amount of articles about buxes here. All the articles should be created according to our rules and placed to proper categories.
If someone likes to purchase the link in your article, he will have to pay $2 for it. As we already know your alertpay e-mail by the first $1 transaction from you - we will pay you 50% from the link cost - $1. The more articles you create - the more chances to receive 50% from link purchases in your articles. We accept only AlertPay payments for now.

And please remember that adding articles about GPT websites is always free here.

Please contact us at for more details.